Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Crazy Jack Layton

Jack Layton, a crazy man with a cool moustache is beginning to sound like a broken record when it comes to his opposition to the war. Crazy Jack is under the illusion that the proper course of action for Canada is to cease and desist and begin the rebuilding process and improving equality for women and training for the Afghan people. He also thinks that referring to the mission as a failure is a good thing for a party (and I use that term loosely) leader to anyone who stick a microphone in his face.

I’m not sure but Ole Jack may have made his crazy statement of the year already in February. First off, it’s tough to retrain people while being blown up. I’m sure the NDP could come up with a campfire song that would enable the UN to soothe the Taliban into a calm that would strip them of their desire to blow up our soldiers HOWEVER if they cannot write such a song, then we may have to shoot them.

Equality for Women? A very noble gesture by crazy Jack but it has a certain “Out-of-touchiness” to it. Does Jack actually think that without a military combative presence in Afghanistan the insurgents will tire of having no targets and simply go away? Do we simply cede the southern part of the country to the Taliban and rebuild and improve the quality of life for those in the North? Does Jack plan on building some version of a giant fence to keep insurgents (that simply love blowing stuff up) away from the law abiding citizens in the North? Or do we simply explain to the radicals that women have as many rights as men an they should allow them to live thier lives accordingly.

Let’s face it, I do not claim to understand the situation over there but I do understand that every time that crazy Jack refers to the mission as failure over there, he spits on the grave of every soldier that has given their life for our country. If anyone knows failure it should be the NDP in their failure to become relevant in the history of their existence, and even crazy Jack would have to admit that the Canadian Military is not a failure.

WE have a timeline pf 2009-2011. We recognize the need to change the mission with dignity and safety for our soldiers and the afghan people. Pulling out doesn't work for teenagers in backseats and it will not work for Afghanistan either.


Anonymous said...


I begin on internet with a directory

Anonymous said...

If you want to stop Wacky Jack from destroying our economy, vote for the only guy who cam stop him (hint --- it isn't Iggy).