Monday, February 4, 2008

i'm back

Absent for awhile...

Life gets busy and that means that things like this blog fell by the wayside in recent months. I have a new found respect for people that manage to blog daily because it requires alot more dedication than I realized. (Mind you three posts in three months is not exactly wall to wall action). Anyhow on to my mindless musings...

I work for a company that is independant of the government but I now live in fear that Stevie's cabinet puppets er ministers may fire me. There seems to be alot of firings around Ottawa lately of people who are supposed to operate independantly of government intervention. A glaring fault of this government is that it fails to realize that when a person is hired to fulfil a mandate they cannot look upon that mandate merely as suggestions. Things like nuclear reactors need fairly strict guidelines and procedures in order to operate safely. Personnaly I am glad they do however I'm not so sure that Mr. Lunn understands this premise. He made the statement that she needed to take the isotopes (a medical concern) into consideration when she made the difficult decision to idle the plant for much needed safety reviews.

This government is not one to let a little thing like the law to get in its way of vindictive firings though. Linda Keen, by law, could not take a medical concern over her mandate from the CNSC's rulebook. This government also was annoyed late last year with the failure of the head of elections Canada to follow the laws as well. Keen's firing goes to a patern of vindictiveness that has touched the wheat board, General Hillier, the Senate and on and on.

Stevie mustn't have any mirrors in his house or else he would realize by now that the reason his party can't break into majority territory in the polls is staring right back at him when he shaves.

On my quest for physical greatness and extreme humility, I am wrapping up my training program and am to compete in my hallf marathon on Sunday in Sarnia. That race will be followed by a 30k race in Hamilton on MArch 30th. I have a goal time for Sundays race of 1:50 so if you never hear this race mentioned again you will know that it was not acheived.

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