Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I hate to harp on the NDP but please……they are actually threatening to vote against the budget (big surprise) if the liberals don’t come to their position on finances in the country. The NDP thinks that prudent fiscal financing is breaking even when they hold a spaghetti dinner in a church basement.

This budget will be tough. Tough for many reasons but the biggest one is that the GST cut is not stimulating the economy the way that Stevie and the gang thought it would. They were the only nuts in the country that thought they were a good idea but it gave them the ability to make no further decisions when it comes to provincial or municipal issues. Unlike the Liberals infrastructure program that has been proposed, the blue team can now say that they have opened up tax room for cities or provinces to take up if they need more money. They want to be able to say they cut the GST and if other levels of government tax the gap, there’s nothing they can do to stop it.

Our economy is going into the tank and my home town is in big trouble. I hope the budget passes and we keep the government. This Budget will probably leave a bit of a sour taste in my mouth, but what’s the upside of defeating this government; just another minority (ours or theirs) with another budget that will be a nightmare to pass. I think that we gain momentum with the by-elections and continue grow our strength in the grassroots in order to win a majority next year.

Wishful thinking I know…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and with dion at the helm, we look like......yes we will bring you down, no we wont, yes we will, no we wont, yes we will, no we wont...
as long as dion is there, we will never regain power,,,sorry but it is now a reality, dion goes first, then we kick for an election...